Caring for your Mahou™ F
First use 
Wash the pan before you start cooking. It can be used right after washing.
Feel free to use dish soap if the pan is being washed for the first time.
Mahou™ F is ready to be used out of the box without annealing at home.
Before cooking 
First, heat the frying pan until it’s hot enough to create a light smoke.
Next, add oil and spread it across the surface of the pan.
If the pan is not hot enough when you start cooking, food may stick to the surface as you cook.
Test the heat by sprinkling some water drops onto the pan. The water should sizzle and steam.
First use: When you use the pan for the first time, it won’t create smoke because there will be no oil coating the surface. In this case, hold your hand over it and when it gets hot, add oil and spread it across the surface of the pan.
If you are using IH, please refer to the important points for use of IH stoves at the bottom as well.
Precautions while cooking
Mahou™ F is made of a material that does not cool easily. So if you let the pan get too hot, you can easily burn/overcook your food.
Please adjust the heat according to the ingredients and dishes you are cooking.
Cleaning and care
Hand-wash immediately after cooking. DO NOT WASH IN THE DISHWASHER.
Without dish soap, water-wash the pan.
If scorch marks remain, remove them completely. You can scrub the pan with steel wool and water.
If any sticky residue remains after cleaning, scrub with dish soap or an abrasive cleanser to remove it.
If you leave your Mahou™ F wet, it can rust.
After cleaning, dry the pan thoroughly over a heat source. If water drops remain on any part of the pan (sides, handle, etc.), make sure to wipe it dry. Oil the surface with a cloth or paper towel, for storing.
If you find your pan rusting on surfaces other than the cooking surface, you can oil the entire pan for storing.
After using in the oven: to prevent it from rusting, wash it, dry it over heat, and then oil the entire body.
Next, bake it again in the oven. After seasoning the whole body like this several times, this process will no longer be necessary.
Important points for use of IH stoves
1. Warm slowly over low to medium heat
An induction cooker (IH) has a doughnut-shaped heat source in the center, and only that part of the burner is heated directly. Unlike with gas, which transfers heat outward from the heat source, IH does not transfer heat beyond the heat source.
If the heat source is set to high from the start, only the part in contact with the heat source will be hot, and the unexposed parts will remain cold.
To prevent uneven browning and burning, slowly and evenly heat of the entire surface by moving the pan as you heat.
2. Change the heating method if it seems to be burning
Pancakes and other food that do not require stirring in the middle of the cooking process tend to burn only where they are exposed to the heat source.
By changing the position of the food or stopping the heating process momentarily, you can prevent uneven overheating.
3. Always use with medium heat
IH uses magnetic force to create heat. If the heat is set on high, the magnetic force will also become stronger, causing deformation of the Mahou™ F.
Always set the IH burner to medium or lower, and never leave the empty pan or pot heating for long periods of time.
About IH & how it works
IH works by applying electricity to a coil to create a magnetic force, which then conducts electricity to the pot by the force of the magnet.
When this magnetic force hits the bottom of a metal pot placed on the IH burner, electricity flows like a vortex.
Normally, magnets stick to pots and pans that can be used with IH. However, the cast-iron material of Mahou™ F has electrical resistance (a property that impedes the passage of electricity). In the case of Mahou™ F, heat is generated by friction when electricity is forced to pass through.